Monday, September 21, 2009

Missing my Blackberry....

But I love all the other features the iPhone brings! Here are just a couple of videos I caught on the go with Landon tonight.

First video is Landon enjoying his honeyball crackers, and the second video is him playing with water.

Just like turning over a shot glass to prove you took the shot, he turns over his dish to prove he killed those honeyballs. That's natural instinct, I didn't teach him that!

Yup, this didn't last long because mom said it was too cold. He's the kid that'll be playing in the streets with his friends, and mom will be yelling out of the garage to come get his jacket... poor lil guy.

The Lil Turd is living up to his name!

Took him for a spin around the block and forgot to check the oil first....

Damn kid took a nice one and squeezed out the sides of his diapers! Had to clean all the crevices with 409, paper towel and a toothpick. Lucky me!

Landons First Day @ "My Gym"

Grandma & Grandpa got him an early Christmas gift and his first gym membership. Thank you grandma and grandpa, I loved my first trip to the gym!

Wednesday, September 02, 2009