Monday, November 30, 2009

Launching Lil Turd!

My parents has an inflatable mattress for guests when they sleep over. If you deflate the mattress half way, it doubles as a baby launcher!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

It's already been a year....

Yup, it's been a year since we took Landon to the Irvine Pumpkin Patch! Last year he made the front page of the OC Register. Though we didn't see the OC Register there this year, the kids still had fun even with the nasty heat. We lucked out this year, on the way back to the car Lam found a 20 dollar bill. So our trip to the pumpkin patch only cost us 5 bucks (parking), and we had 15 bucks extra!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Landon's Lunch Date @ South Coast w/ Lauren

Landon freaking out at Rain Forest Cafe, he loves all the animals!

Mom & Lil Turd

Sarah & Lauren

Lauren & Landon

Monday, October 05, 2009

We don't have our company parties at Claim Jumpers....

We celebrate at KZ8

Baby Gap Pics?

We're thinking about submitting one of these pics to Gap for this years competition.
Not this one...
Neither this one...
How about this one?

Monday, September 21, 2009

Missing my Blackberry....

But I love all the other features the iPhone brings! Here are just a couple of videos I caught on the go with Landon tonight.

First video is Landon enjoying his honeyball crackers, and the second video is him playing with water.

Just like turning over a shot glass to prove you took the shot, he turns over his dish to prove he killed those honeyballs. That's natural instinct, I didn't teach him that!

Yup, this didn't last long because mom said it was too cold. He's the kid that'll be playing in the streets with his friends, and mom will be yelling out of the garage to come get his jacket... poor lil guy.

The Lil Turd is living up to his name!

Took him for a spin around the block and forgot to check the oil first....

Damn kid took a nice one and squeezed out the sides of his diapers! Had to clean all the crevices with 409, paper towel and a toothpick. Lucky me!

Landons First Day @ "My Gym"

Grandma & Grandpa got him an early Christmas gift and his first gym membership. Thank you grandma and grandpa, I loved my first trip to the gym!

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Landon Playing the Drums on Guitar Hero

Lucky for us those drums don't make any noise and he doesn't know the difference!

Monday, August 03, 2009

Mammoth Trip

I've added more pictures of our trip from my brothers 5DM2, his pictures came in a lot better than mine. I wasn't able to upload them to the blog due to the file size being too large. Take a look if you have time, you'll see his pictures are towards the end of the album starting with the chipmunk pictures.

Here are just a few pictures I took with my iPhone. (Yes, I finally got the iPhone) We had another family trip, and we ended up going to Mammoth for some fishing. Unfortunately my mom got sick the day before and got that nasty flu that's going around. So it was, Lam, Landon, myself, Dalton, Derek, his girlfriend Morgan, and my dad that went on this fishing trip. Mom stayed home with the flu & Cricket. We haven't gone as a family since we were kids, hopefully we'll be able to do this every year from this point going forward. As a kid, one of my fondest memories was summer time. If we didn't have summer school we'd be on our trip to the High Sierras for fishing with mom, dad and my brother Derek (Dalton wasn't around then). I remember the night before all the excitement kept me up all night and I couldn't sleep. I just say there in bed thinking about all the fishing that would happen the next four days. At that time we also would go with my younger cousin Natalie and her parents Mel and Irene (my mom's older brother and his wife). At that time there were no cell phones (if there were, my dad didn't own one neither did my uncle), but my uncle and my dad communicated with CBs during the 6 hour drive up to Mammoth. Our first stop then and now was Bishop (for those of you who go snowboarding know Bishop, and the smaller towns like Lone Pine because you probably got a ticket for speeding or had to get gas.) Bishop Creek I know like the back of my hand, I know all the fishing holes since I was a kid, till this day those same holes still produce trout. Enough reminiscing for now... I'll add more photos and videos later and I'll include a link to our album with ALL the pictures later this week.


I have some more pictures in my album, just CLICK HERE.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Our trip to Seattle & Victoria Canada

Our first trip with Landon on a plane went smooth. For those of you who don't know, Lam likes to travel and I could really careless unless it was a fishing trip of some sort. Our last trip according to her was our Honeymoon. So I guess we're overdue, she wanted to go to Hawaii or NY. I knew the lil turd couldn't handle a flight that long so I came up with Seattle and Canada. Since my parents did this same trip 10 years ago, they told us it's a nice trip and relaxing and it's a pretty short air flight to Seattle. We ended up booking the trip and Lam did all the planning and reservations. She did an awesome job, everything she picked was perfect. If you have kids that still use the stroller or if you are in use of a wheelchair, I would reconsider Victoria. They have very feel wheelchair access ramps, most of the wheelchair access areas were those mini elevators. Other than that, everything went well and we all had fun. So much fun, Lam said we don't have to go on another trip for 3 more years! After the last picture of this post, I'll have a hyperlink for the full album of our trip. These are just a few pictures from our trip.

Landon's first time on the plan was perfect, we left OC at noon and as we were taking off he feel asleep till we landed 2.5 hours later!

Mom trying to get Landon to start walking, as you can see he's holding on to dear life.

Landon's nose enjoying his index finger...

Try sticking to credit cards when going to Canada, most places will not do the currency conversion ratio, and only give you dollar to dollar and you'll also get stuck with this crap.

Here's a picture of the inside of the ferry that we took from Anacortes to Victoria. This only 1/4 of the ferry, this thing looks like it can hold over 300 passengers and maybe 60 cars. The trip from Anacortes to Victoria was 3 hours, you get to go through all the islands and it's smooth & very relaxing ride. The ride back only takes about 2 hours, though ours took a little longer because we hit some fog on the way back home.

Landon and mom enjoying the ferry ride

This is a shot from the Space Needle, from what the waiter told me this is a tugboat, and normally they don't spray water like that, he's just showing off. Still pretty cool looking.

One of my pet peeves are those damn automatic paper towel dispensers, that only give you a short piece of paper towel to dry your hands. So you end up waving your damn hand in front of the stupid sensor like 5 times, and of course you have to wait forever for it to recognize your movement, by that time the water has probably already dried. As you can see in this picture, Canada has no problems giving out a pretty decent size paper towel, I was quiet please with this!

Landon and I walking through Butchart Gardens in Canda

Victoria has their own version of China Town, but you know it's not a REAL China Town if you're missing the homeless, trash in the streets, old Chinese dude playing that strange looking violin, and of course the smell of funk! Victoria's China Town consisted of maybe one block.... again, not a real China Town.

Landon enjoying his baby wine grapes, just the right size for his chubby little fingers

While Lam was changing Landon's diapers she realized as she was taking off his shorts that he took a dump. So she had to grab the closest thing on the bed to use as a changing mat. Seattle's Saturday newspaper is now on Landon's butt cheeks.

Here's the link to our full album of our trip CLICK HERE