Saturday, October 13, 2007

4 Dolla Make U Holla!

In support of Leyna's one of a kind cupcake, I would highly recommend to satisfy your temptation for one of her awesome DELICIOUS cupcakes! If you're interested in spending a little somethin' somethin', visit her site and place your order!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Tennis Challenge!

That's right, Chung Mr. "I pick on girls" decided to hit up Maria "High school Tennis Pro" and challenge her to a tennis match. Yeah I know, it's not a MMA match with Bao Quach, but Chung and Maria were talking shit to each other and decided to face off in the near future. Let's all face it, both played in high school and tennis isn't the coolest sport (sorry, chung, maria, & parker). But it would be cool to see Chung lose to a girl!

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Being thankful for technology

A friend of my Dylan, had a recipe on his blog (Eat Drink & Be Merry) a while back. It's one of those noodle dishes you can order at AJ's in Irvine, it's called Beef Noodle Soup. His photography and plating made me want to learn how to make this dish. So I bugged Chung a couple of days after reading Dylan's blog and asked if he knew how to make this dish, and if he had more specific directions. (No offense Dylan, but your recipe directions were too vague for me.) To my disappointment Chung wasn't too familiar with this dish so he emailed Dylan to get the detailed version of the recipe. So I've had the recipe for the past couple of weeks and been real busy, but Lam and I found some time to run to Bolsa (I hate going there) to pick up the goods. While looking for the items needed, we found that some of the items had different packaging, names, brands, etc. So now this is where technology helped us out. I guess I could have got on the all mighty cell and called Dylan, but I decided to IM him with my BB, to ask the questions. Not only that, but the built in camera on my BB Pearl, came in use. I took some quick snaps and emailed them to Dylan while still in the store to be sure we were getting the right items. So once again, this is my thanks to the technological nerds making life easier for all of us! We'll let ya know how it turns out...

Who knew there were 30 kinds of soy sauce!

Sorry, no ipod touch...

Lam and I wanted to thank everyone for their participation on the free ipod touch contest. Though there was no free ipod, I assumed hearing the good news was just as good! (Ok, not really) But I couldn't think of another way to get our friends & family to my site without using the word "FREE". There were some of you who thought they were going to be smart and get a head start by having my blog open and ready right when they got to work.... I wont drop names, but you all know who you are! Someone even decided to take off work or leave school... I guess the moral of the story is, you'll do just about anything to get a free ipod! As of last night, Lam informed me that we are now at 11 weeks and our tentative expecting date is April 28th.