Thursday, August 20, 2009

Landon Playing the Drums on Guitar Hero

Lucky for us those drums don't make any noise and he doesn't know the difference!

Monday, August 03, 2009

Mammoth Trip

I've added more pictures of our trip from my brothers 5DM2, his pictures came in a lot better than mine. I wasn't able to upload them to the blog due to the file size being too large. Take a look if you have time, you'll see his pictures are towards the end of the album starting with the chipmunk pictures.

Here are just a few pictures I took with my iPhone. (Yes, I finally got the iPhone) We had another family trip, and we ended up going to Mammoth for some fishing. Unfortunately my mom got sick the day before and got that nasty flu that's going around. So it was, Lam, Landon, myself, Dalton, Derek, his girlfriend Morgan, and my dad that went on this fishing trip. Mom stayed home with the flu & Cricket. We haven't gone as a family since we were kids, hopefully we'll be able to do this every year from this point going forward. As a kid, one of my fondest memories was summer time. If we didn't have summer school we'd be on our trip to the High Sierras for fishing with mom, dad and my brother Derek (Dalton wasn't around then). I remember the night before all the excitement kept me up all night and I couldn't sleep. I just say there in bed thinking about all the fishing that would happen the next four days. At that time we also would go with my younger cousin Natalie and her parents Mel and Irene (my mom's older brother and his wife). At that time there were no cell phones (if there were, my dad didn't own one neither did my uncle), but my uncle and my dad communicated with CBs during the 6 hour drive up to Mammoth. Our first stop then and now was Bishop (for those of you who go snowboarding know Bishop, and the smaller towns like Lone Pine because you probably got a ticket for speeding or had to get gas.) Bishop Creek I know like the back of my hand, I know all the fishing holes since I was a kid, till this day those same holes still produce trout. Enough reminiscing for now... I'll add more photos and videos later and I'll include a link to our album with ALL the pictures later this week.


I have some more pictures in my album, just CLICK HERE.